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पेट्रोल को लाइन.... जम्काभेट..... देखा देख..... माया प्रेम..... आधि घन्टा.... अलविदा.... अलविदा.....

Radha by Krishna Dharabasi is wonderful novel based on traditional era of Lord Krishna and Radha. The traditional plot of the story makes the readers/listeners feel that Dharabasi is narrating us the same old story of love of Radha and Krishna. However , the story based on the traditional plot it portrays the modern era in a dramatic way such that it speaks of so many hidden things that we will be amazed while ending it up. Radha and Krishna are the eternal lovers. Lord Krishna and Radha are together since childhood. But in teenage they are separated (as in the traditional story) and Lord Krishna has to go away leaving Vindraban for fulfilling the task for which he has taken birth.This brings tragedy to Radha and all the people in Vindraban. Radha waits for Krishna to arrive but he seldom does. She is stubborn to go meet Krishna. Later she sets out as a Yogini in a long voyage to search self, leaving her parents. She is accompanied by her friend Bisakha everywhere she went. Radha faces

One of the finest book ever written in Nepali literature....Shirish Ko Phool and one of my personal favorite. I have read this novel over four times or say five times..and each time I finish the novel I feel pang and it hangs on my head for so many days. Why guilt is so painful that made such a strong woman called Sakambari to suicide..or die…?? The novel has a wonderful language..the simplest of all. When I had read it for the first tell the truth that I hadn’t really understood the novel, I felt the love story in it and I could not understand the passion in the novel.. But this day I may say I am able to figure out the passion and the feelings of the author.. I really appreciate the wonderful story, the plot the real setting, the real characters…and the situation of the novel till it ends. The pain of running away from the feelings and passion. When the Suyogbir says.."Ma glass ma bhagchu” ( I forgot the line exactly…). The feeling is that we run away from pai

मनका कुराहरु बुझेर बुझ्नै नसकिने… खै कस्तो कस्तो… कहिले नसोचेको जस्तो… कहिले थाहा नपाएजस्तो… कति राम्रो र मिठो अनुभव । आत्मियता को गहिरो आभास अनि माया… केबल माया, के भइरहेछ पत्तो छैन । उनलाई देखेकी सम्म पनि छैन… तर भावनात्मक आभाषमा यति धेरै डुबेकी छु… आफैँलाई अचम्म लाग्छ, सायद यही नै हो माया । जताततै चारैतिर केवल उनको मात्रै आभास भइरहेछ… उनलाई मात्र सम्झिरहेकी छु… उनको कल्पनामा लिप्त भएकी छु । आफ्नै कल्पना को डुंगामा म तैरिरहेकी छु… साथमा छन् उनकै भावनाहरु, उनकै आभाषहरु र उनकै कल्पनाहरु… सपना देख्छु अत्याधिक र त्यही सपनामा मैले उनलाई देखेँ… कालोवर्ण, मृगनयनी आँखा… घुम्रेको कपाल, पिताम्बर को लुगा, मजुरको प्वाँख साथमा मुरली… उनी मेरा हुन, मेरा… ‘मेरो कृष्ण’… पूर्वकालमा जन्मेकी भएँ, सायद म नै राधा हुन्थेँ होला वा सायद म नै गोपिनीहरु माझ कुनै एक हुन्थेँ होला… तर अफसोच म अभागिनि, त्यसकाल मा मेरो अस्तित्व रहेन… तर आज यस समयमा म केवल उनलाई सम्झिरहेकी छु… यो प्रेम हो वा होइन… तर मलाई लाग्छ, सायद म माया मा फसेकी छु । कल्पना नै एउटा साहारा बनेको छ, उनको माया पाउन… मेरा कृष्ण, केबल मेरा कृष्ण… उन

Where is budget for me ?

स्कुटरको मिटर मा आज १७,००० किलोमिटर पुरा भएको छ । विगत ३ वर्षदेखि सार्वजनिक यातायात फाट्टफुट्ट २-४ पटक मात्र चढेकी छु । स्कुटर चढ्ने एउटा आदत भइसकेको छ, त्यसकारण कुनै बेला बस चढ्नुपर्‍यो या हिँड्नुपर्‍यो भने धेरै गाह्रो लाग्छ । मानिस materialistic कति हदसम्म हुन्छ भन्ने कुरा म आफैँबाट प्रष्ट हुन्छ । अमेरिका जान ठिक्क परेकी म I-20 नि आएको तर म यही स्कुटर कै लोभले अमेरिका गइन । म अझै अचम्म मा नै छु, बाबाले स्कुटर किनिदिन्छु भनेकोले मैले अमेरिका जाने विचार नै त्यागिदिँए । जब स्कुटर किनियो… म त एक किसिमले खुशीले पागल नै भएकी (आजकल त नर्मल नै लाग्छ)… साइकल चलाउन नआउने मलाई ‘स्कुटर’ त के आउँथ्यो, एक महिना जस्तो त हेरेर मात्र बिताँए… स्कुटर चलाउने कल्पना मा… आज ३ वर्ष पुरा भइसकेको छ, स्कुटर सँगको यात्रा… जब स्कुटर चलाउन नआएर घरमै थन्किएको हुन्थ्यो र म बस चढ्थेँ, तब म हरेक बस चढाईलाई अन्तिम मान्थेँ र मनमनै खुब खुशी हुन्थेँ… नभन्दै त्यस्तै भयो, बस मा यात्रा गर्न निकै कम हुँदै गयो ! स्कुटर अस्ति सर्भिसिङ को लागि दिएकी थिँए, त्यतिखेर मलाई बस चढ्नुपरेको थियो… धेरै समयपछि बस चढ्दा निकै रमाईलो लाग्य

Listen To Full Episode of Lolita. Lolita, one of the most controversial novel written by Vladimir Nabokov explores the human feelings and emotions amid age, sex and of course relationships. A girl's development of sexuality and a man's rise and fall in love and sex is shown so much easily and nicely. Lolita was written at the time of the steady development of sexual life in European / English society. The sophisticated lives of European people in the century have been highly criticized for the sexual life, extra martial affairs, adultery, and cuckoldry. Lolita is the beau of the European society. During the 18th and 19th century man was supposed to be god's creation. It was the biblical view. At the end of the 19th century there came philosophers' like Marx, Freud and Darwin. These three philosophers changed the bourgeois view through their theories. Sigmund Freud's theory is highly controversial. Freud considered man as a sexual being. Man's activities a

म छोरी, म आइमाई जात, म नारी । आज म तृप्ती अनुभव गरिरहेको छु । मलाई लाग्छ आज मेरो जित भएको छ, आज म आनन्दले भरिपुर्ण छु । उ हेर, मेरी आमा चिच्याई चिच्याई रोइरहेकी छिन्, उता बुवा पनि त्यस्तै । साना साना भाइबहिनी चाँहि बुझ्दैनन्, यस्तो ठूलो कुरा । सायद तपाई को अनुमान मिल्न सक्छ… हो म अब यस संसार मा छैन, म मरिसेकेकी छु, हो म मरिसकेकी छु । हो, मैले आफूले आफैँलाई मृत्यु दिएकी छु र म यो गर्व को साथ बताउँदैछु । हो, मैले आत्महत्या गरेँ । अनि यही आत्महत्या को विषयमा धेरै प्रश्न उठिरहेकाछन्, मान्छेहरु कानेखुशी गर्दैछन् । त्यो छिमेकी आइमाई, उ हेर्नुस् खासखुस गर्दैछिन् । मेरो चरित्र मा दाग लगाउँदैछन्, म मा नभएको खोट र दाग पनि देखाउन खोज्दैछन् उनीहरु । समाजमा केटा ले आत्महत्या गर्‍यो भने, “टेन्सन” ले, या अरु कुनै वाहाना… अनि किशोरी केटी ले आत्महत्या गरी भने, ‘गर्भवति भएको’, कि ‘प्रेम मा धोका पाएको’ वा सिधै ‘चरित्रहिन’ भएको आरोप । मलाई पनि यस्तो लान्छना लाग्नु स्वभाविक हो । तर भित्री कुरा त कसलाई थाहा हुन्छ हैन र ? के हामी अरु को मन पढ्न सक्छौँ र ? धेरै के भन्नु तर मैले आफूलाई चाँहि मृत्यु दिँए ।

I have always been away from political since the very beginning I have been hearing from so many people the same thing that "Politics is the dirty game. So, this kind of surrounding made me go away from politics. But one thing has always fascinated me, or let me say one woman, one Italian-Indian woman who leads congress in India , yes I am talking about Sonia Gandhi..."Sonia Gandhi" for me is the idol in something called politics, though I know least about her, or let me say I give a damn !! to politics. One event before five years I clearly remember because I have watched this ardently in Television. Yes, that was Election in India before five years...Although I don't remember so many things one event for me remains unforgettable.I remember the clash whether to make Sonia Gandhi Prime Minister or not. A leader Uma Bharati I guess came up with"Hunger strike" and similarly a fake publicity seeker stood up in a car among cameras and police with a gun in h