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SLC Result 2066/2067 (2009-2010) has not been published yet!

Update: SLC Result Published. Check SLC Result 2066/2067 from Here.

SLC Result 2066/2067 (2009-2010) has not been published yet!

Nepal News wrote, "The Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) has refuted rumours that the results of the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) had been published this morning".

Controller of Examinations Chitra Devkota said, the results will be published by next week. The OCE had said, it would publish the SLC results in the first week of July, earlier, too.

SLC २०६६-२०६७ को रिजल्ट आज सम्म निस्किएको छैन । आज बिहान चलेको भ्रामक हल्ला को पछि नलागौँ । सम्भवत: अर्को हप्ता सम्म मा SLC रिजल्ट निस्कने छ ।

**I'm getting huge traffic in previous 2065-2066 SLC result page, Please don't run after rumors. SLC result 2066/2067 has not been published yet. Please don't mislead people.

We'll publish result here whenever The Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) published the result of SLC 2066/2067.




    Type slcSymbol-number and send to 5001 This will charge Rs. 3 +vat only

  3. YO FRIDAY SAMMA TA HUNCHA HOLA NI HOINA????????????????????????

  4. ke khoya aako 5 hour bitisakda pani not published yet bhanira ..

    site maintain garna nasakne le ke site chalaira.. tut

    y yat

  5. detonator, you are viewing the wrong post...
    here is the result:
    Juky 3 ma aayer, June28 ko post herera basne ho ta ??

    Here is result:

  6. result publishing huna ta dhela vayae na raa

  7. result nabhaye hunthyo..ha ha

  8. dar tas dari po lagana thaleyo bhane ko yar. ke  bhako asto ....dew ta sache kai khanu pareyo aba ...dar ke agay jeeta yaaaa...

  9. khai hamro result

  10. waa ma ta 1 division ma pass vaya   yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  11. k ma post va6 result

  12. अहिलेसम्म कहिँ भा'को छैन ! एकछिन पछि आउँछ साइटहरुमा ! :)

  13. news r providing result then why not here?

  14. It's just out only in Official Meeting at Sanothimi. अब रिजल्ट निस्कियो भनेर निर्णय गरेको मात्र हो, साइट मा आउन बाँकी छ मित्र ! 

  15. sms बाट भयो होला तर छैन है अरुबाट ! ntc, moe,doe,soe  कुनै साइटमा नि छैन अहिलेसम्म !

  16. ho yar sprite pui

  17.  out aaru thau mata out bhai sakiyo re ni ta

  18. slc ko result net ma kati baje rakhin6 ?

  19. यसै भन्न सकिँदैन त्यही नि पहिले पहिले को चलन हेर्दा ९-१० नै बज्छ कि जस्तो पो लाग्छ !

  20. hi iam madan ghimire yo slc resultle pani ruhayo malai sbeile malai slc ko result herdinuna da da vanchhan tar web site nei khuldein

  21. Hi Madan, check this link:
    And download result.

  22. एस एल सीको रिजल्ट त् आयो तर अहिलेसम्म कुनेई वेब खुलेको छैन तेसेइले रिजल्ट पर्खेर बस्नु भएका सम्पूर्ण बिद्ध्यार्थिहरुलाई आफु बसेको ठाउमा  नहल्लिकन बस्न अनुरोध गर्धछु 

  23. यो ठाउँमा गएर हेरम्न : 

  24. एस एल सीको रिजल्ट त् आयो तर अहिलेसम्म कुनेई वेब खुलेको छैन तेसेइले रिजल्ट पर्खेर बस्नु भएका सम्पूर्ण बिद्ध्यार्थिहरुलाई आफु बसेको ठाउमा  नहल्लिकन बस्न अनुरोध गर्धछु 

  25. I didn't find the result for 2nd Div. in the download. Is something wrong?


  27. See these links to take more fun by google+


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