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Showing posts with the label Nepali Movie

चलचित्र भनेको 'दृश्य' हो भन्ने कुरा चलचित्र मौन हेरेपछि अनुभव भयो । संवाद थोरै छन् (सवटाइटल राखिएकोछ), अत: सबै भार दृश्यमा परेकोछ,  ती संवादहिन दृश्यहरु हामीलाई हलमा सुरु देखि अन्त्य सम्म बाँधेर राख्न सफल छन् । "मौन" नामक किताब र त्यसकी लेखिका वर्षा (नम्रता श्रेष्ठ) को परिचय सँगै चलचित्रको कथा सुरु हुन्छ । सुन्न र बोल्न नसक्ने वर्षा अमेरिकामा आफ्नो बुवासँग बस्छिन् । उनी केही समयको लागि नेपाल फर्केर आएकिछिन् र उनीजस्तै बोल्न र सुन्न नसक्ने व्यक्तिहरुका लागि व्यक्तित्व विकासको वर्कसप आयोजना गर्छिन् । व्यक्तित्व विकासको वर्कसपमा वर्षा र अमन (अर्पण थापा)को भेट हुन्छ । यही भेट पछि प्रेमा रुपान्तर हुन्छ, बिचमा केही उतारचढावहरु आउँछन्, साना-साना कुरामा उनीहरु छुट्टिन्छन् अनि फेरि भेटिन्छन् ! वर्षा सबै परिवार सहित अमेरिका फर्कने क्रमा हुन्छिन् तर उनको जिवनमा अकास्मात नसोचिएको घटना घट्न पुग्छ ।अमन सुरुमा देख्दा अलि 'साइको' पाराको लाग्छ तर वर्षासँगको सामिप्यतासँगै उसमा केही परिवर्तनहरु देखिनथाल्छन् ।अमनलाई सँधै एउटा सपनाले बारम्बार सताउने गर्छ, उक्त सपनाको रहस्य फि

गतहप्ता फ्रान्सेली केन्द्रमा भएको कार्यक्रममा मैले एउटा प्रश्न सोधेको थिँए, "जनयुद्धका विषयमा बनेका चलचित्रहरु किन हेर्ने वा भनौँ उमा किन हेर्ने?", उत्तर थियो "उमा 'वार मुभी' होइन तर तत्कालिन जनयुद्धका कारण उब्जिएका विभिन्न समस्याहरु मध्यको एउटा पाटोको चित्रण हो । वास्तवमा भन्ने हो भने, 'उमा' मानविय सम्बन्ध र सम्वेदना कथा हो ।नेपाल प्रहरी सेवामा रहेको दाजु र माओवादी जनयुद्धमा होमिएकी बहिनी बिचको सम्बन्धको कथा नै उमाको कथा हो।" दाजु मिलन कुँवर (सौगात मल्ल) प्रहरी सेवामा छन्, बहिनी उमा (रिचा शर्मा) प्लस टुको पढाइ पछि काठमाडौँ गएर नर्सिङ पढ्ने  चाहना छ, अनि आमा (मिथिला शर्मा) बिरामी छिन्। गाउँमा सुनिल सर (प्रकाश घिमिरे) छन्, उनी क्रान्तिका कुरा गर्छन्, सामाजिक विभेदका विरुद्ध आवाज उठाउन प्रेरित गर्छन्, साहित्यका माध्यमबाट राजनैतिक चेत युवाहरूमा बाँड्ने कोशिस गर्छन् । सुनिल सरको अभियानमा सहभागी हुन, दिल्लीमा इन्जिनियरिङ पढिरहेका सुनिल सरका पुराना विद्यार्थी अनिल (प्रविण खतिवडा), सुनिल सरकै गाउँमा आउँछन् । सुनिल सर माओवादी भएको निहुँमा प्रहरीबाट मारि

हाइवे इलामबाट सुरु हुन्छ र काठमाडौँमा गएर सकिन्छ, यही बिचमा कथाका हरेक पात्रलाई ‘स्थापित’ गरिन्छ, अनि ‘हाइवे’मा ती पात्रहरुको जिवन कसरी जोडिएकोछ भनेर दर्शकले थाहा पाउँदा नपाउँदै चलचित्र सकिन्छ । चलचित्र सकिएपछि यसले दर्शकलाई ‘हाइवे’का विभिन्न आरोह अवरोहका बारेमा सोच्न बाध्य बनाउँछ । ईलामबाट काठमाडौँको लागि गुडेको बस राजन खतिवडाले चलाएकाछन्! बस यात्रीका रुपमा दयाहाङ राई, सृष्टि घिमिरे, ईलम दिक्षित लगायतछन्, उनीहरुको सबैको जिवन काठमाडौँसँग जोडिएकोछ, अर्को अर्थमा भन्दा ‘हाइवे’मा जोडिएकोछ । भारतिय लाहुरे दयालाई ३६ घन्टा भित्र घर पुग्नुपर्नेछ, ईलमलाई अनलाइनबाट बनाएको आफ्नो ‘गे’ साथिलाई भेट्नुछ, सृष्टिको बिहे अमेरिकाबाट फर्केको बच्चाबेलाको साथि कर्मासँग हुँदैछ, अर्की एकजना आफ्नो छोरीज्वाईको बिग्रेको सम्बन्ध सुधार गराउने धुनमा काठमाडौँ जाँदैछिन, ड्राइभरलाई पनि आफ्नी प्रेमिका ‘डान्सबार’ डान्सर रिचालाई भेट्नुछ । तर उनीहरुको बस बन्दको मारमा पर्छ । सबैलाई काठमाडौँ पुग्ने हतार भएको हुँदा दयाले बिहेको नाटक गरौँ भन्दै सृष्टि र इलमको बिहे गराएर, बन्दबाट आफ्नो गाडि फुत्काउँछन् । कहिले फ्ल्यासब्य

अभिभावक छोराछोरीको बारेमा एककिसिमको सपना देख्छन्, अनि छोराछोरी आफ्नो भविष्यको बारेमा बेग्लै सपना बुनिरहेकाहुन्छन् । दुई पुस्ताले आ-आफ्नै किसिमले भविष्यको सपना बुन्छन्, अनि दुवै आफूले चाहेको होस् भन्ने चाहन्छन् । तर आफूले सोचेको र भनेको जस्तो नहुँदा ‘फ्रस्ट्रेसन’ को शिकार बन्न पुगिन्छ । आफ्ना सपना र चाहनाहरु अरुले नबुझिदिँदा युवाहरुमा उत्पन्न ‘फ्रस्ट्रेसन’ र त्यसले निम्त्याउने परिणाम नै चलचित्र ‘अपवाद’को कथासार हो। चलचित्रको मुख्य पात्र सुयोग (राजबल्लभ कोइराला) व्यवस्थापन (Managemet) को विद्यार्थी भएपनि उसको चाहना एउटा सफल लेखक बन्ने छ । उसको बुवा (रवि गिरी) को चाहना छ, म्यानेजमेन्ट पढेको छोरोले कुनै ठूलो कम्पनीमा जागिर खाओस् । उसकी आमा (विजया गिरी) को चाहना छ, छोरोले चाँडै बिहे गरिदेओस् । सुयोगकी साथी सुनन्दा (निशा अधिकारी)को चाहना छ, सुयोगले उसको बुवाले भनेको जस्तै गरिदियोस्, अनि बचेको समयमा आफ्नो साहित्यको सोख पुरा गरोस् । बुवाको जागिर खानुपर्ने अडान अनि आफ्नो लेखक बन्ने चाहना बिच अन्तरसंघर्ष चर्किएपछि, सुयोग युके जाने चक्करमा लाग्छ । त्यसै समयमा युकेका धेरै कलेजहरु कालोसूचीमा परेप

The most awaited Nepali Movie ‘Highway’ which is set to release on 20th July 2012 (साउन ५, २०६९) has released its song 'Laija Re Laija Re’ (Paplu) online. Song ‘Paplu’ is shot on actress Reecha Sharma, who has played a role of bar dancer in the movie. Director Deepak Rauniyar said, “Clearly, It’s not an item song, though song was shot in the dance bar”. “There’s no song in the movie other than Paplu”, adds Rauniyar. “Story needs this song and it’s not an item song rather a dance number”, said Reecha Sharma in a television interview. Watch Nepali Movie Highway’s Song ‘Paplu’ Vocal: SUBANI Moktan Lyrics: BHUPENDRA Khadka Music: MANOJ KC Editor: LOKESH Bajracharya Camera: JYOTI Keshar Simha Director: DEEPAK Rauniyar The first crowd funded Nepali movie ‘Highway’, which has been creating a buzz ever since it went into production was screened at one of the most prestigious film festival ‘Berlin Film Festival 2012’ on February. Directed by Deepak Rauniy

The most awaited Nepali Movie ‘Highway’ which is set to release on 15th June 2012 (असार १, २०६९) has released its official theatrical trailer today on YouTube. The first crowd funded Nepali movie ‘Highway’, which has been creating a buzz ever since it went into production was screened at one of the most prestigious film festival ‘Berlin Film Festival 2012’ on February. Directed by Deepak Rauniyar and produced by Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit, Dr. Lonim P Dixit. Joslyn Barnes and Danny Glover, the movie is believed to be another milestone in Nepali film industry. Highway movie trailer was first released on last September in Kathmandu. Highway – Official Theatrical Trailer Synopsis: Set among the breathtaking landscapes of Eastern Nepal, HIGHWAY, the first full-length feature of director Deepak Rauniyar, follows the journey of nine characters whose individual stories become accidentally interconnected during an ill-fated bus journey to the capital Kathmandu. The passengers — each

The most awaited Nepali Movie ‘Highway’ is set to release on 15th June 2012, (असार १ गते, २०६९) from Nepal. Before the release, Highway will be premiered on 14th June (जेठ ३२ गते). Distributor and producer Narendra Maharjan, who distributed the ‘ Loot ’ will be distributing  the movie Highway. A first crowd funded Nepali movie ‘Highway’ , which has been creating a buzz ever since it went into production was screened at one of the most prestigious film festival ‘Berlin Film Festival 2012’ on February. Directed by Deepak Rauniyar and produced by Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit, Dr. Lonim P Dixit. Joslyn Barnes and Danny Glover, the movie is believed to be another milestone in Nepali film industry. Highway movie trailer was first released on last September in Kathmandu.  Synopsis: Set among the breathtaking landscapes of Eastern Nepal, "HIGHWAY", the first full-length feature of director/producer Deepak Rauniyar, follows the journey of nine characters whose individual stories

चलचित्र किन हेरिन्छ? भन्ने कुराको निश्चित जवाफ म सँग छैन ! कहिले के बहानामा हेरिन्छ, कहिले के बहानामा हेरिन्छ ! कहिले फ्लप भएको चलचित्र पनि राम्रो लाग्छ, कहिले अत्याधिक सफल भएको चलचित्र पनि मन पर्दैन ! कुनै चलचित्रको प्रोमो हेरेर, चलचित्र हेर्न जाउँ जाउँ लाग्छ भने कहिले आफूलाई मनपर्ने कलाकारले अभिनय गरेकोछ भनेर हेर्न गइन्छ ! भर्खरै पनि हलसम्म पुगेर नेपाली चलचित्र ‘लुट’ दोहोर्याएर हेरियो ! नेपाली चलचित्र कि त टिभीमा आउँदा कहिलेकाँही हेर्ने गर्छु, कि त आफूलाई पहिले नै मन खायो भने मात्र हलसम्म गएर हेर्छु ! टिभीमा पनि पुराना नेपाली चलचित्र आयो भने मात्र हेर्ने गर्छु, बिच तिरका चलचित्र खासै हेर्दिन र हेर्न मन पनि लाग्दैन ! नेपाली मात्र होइन, नब्बे दशकको हिन्दी चलचित्र पनि खासै हेर्न मन लाग्दैन ! कि त पुराना हिन्दी चलचित्र हेर्छु, कि त नयाँ हेर्छु ! अहिले पनि पुराना हिन्दी चलचित्र खोजेर हेर्छु, अझ राज कपुर, गुरु दत्तको चलचित्र त खोजी खोजी नै हेर्छु, त्यसबाहेक अमोल पालेकरका कमेडी चलचित्र पनि निकै मन पर्छ ! नेपाली चलचित्रको हकमा भने, अहिले बन्ने नेपाली चलचित्र भन्दा पहिलेका चलचित्र नै मनपर

‘म सँग बैंक लुत्ने मास्तर प्लान छ’ –  जब पनि आफ्नो लुटेरा समूह बनाउनको लागि हाकु काले ले नयाँ केटाहरु भेट्छ, उ यही संवाद दोहोर्याउँछ ! नेवारी लवजमा हाकुले यस्तै अन्य संवादहरु दोहोर्याउँदा हलमा हासोँ फैलिन्छ ! निश्चल बस्नेत निर्देशित  नेपाली चलचित्र ‘लुट’ (Loot – A Nepali Movie) अहिले देशभरिका विभिन्न सहरहरुमा प्रदर्शन भइरहेको छ! “लुट”को कथा नौलो होइन ! कथा साधारणछ, हाकु काले नामक व्यक्तिले चाँडै धनि बन्ने सपना बुन्छ, र बैंक लुट्नको लागि अन्य सहयोगीहरु खोज्छ र एउटा लुटेरा समूह बनाउँछ ! आफ्नो योजनाअनुसार उसले ती चार पात्रहरुलाई बैंक लुट्न तयार पार्छ र बैंक लुट्न कसरी सफल हुन्छ भन्ने कुरा नै चलचित्र लुटको मुख्य कथासार हो । यही “बैंक लुट्ने” कथामा हलिउड र बलिउडमा दर्जनौँ चलचित्रहरु बनिसकेकाछन् तर पनि “लुट” ले आफ्नो छुट्टै छाप छोड्न सफल भएकोछ ! कथालाई मौलिक बनाइदिएकोछ ! कथा सामान्य भएपनि, चलचित्रको प्रस्तुतीका कारण चलचित्रले दर्शकहरुलाई सुरु देखि अन्त्य सम्म बाँधेर राख्न सफल भएकोछ ! चलचित्रमा हाकु (सौगात मल्ल), पेशाले भट्टि साहु हुन्छ, जो चाँडै पैसा कमाउनको लागि बैंक लुट्ने योजना बनाउँछ

Maya Animation Academy has organized short 3D movie Animation competition “One Film 3D Animation Challenge” for the first time in Nepal. Maya Animation Academy is going to screen top 8 movies at Kumari QFX this Thursday (22 Dec 2011) at 3pm. Check out 3D Animated Nepali Movie Promo: Knowledge Sweet 16 The Tall Tale   Bad Day   No Light   Asha   Apotheosis   Seru For More Information, check out एनिमेसन च्यालेन्जका अन्तिम प्रतिस्पर्धाका लागि मनोनयन सार्वजनिक [3D Animation Challenge]

माया एनिमेशन एकेडेमीको आयोजनामा नेपालमा पहिलो पटक हुन लागेको छोटो एनिमेटेड चलचित्रहरुको प्रतिस्पर्धा वान फिल्म थ्री-डी एनिमेसन च्यालेन्ज २०११ को तयारी अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेको छ। कमलपोखरी स्थित कुमारी क्युएफएक्स सिनेमामा यहि डिसेम्बर २२ बिहिवारका दिन हुने उक्त समारोहका लागि ८ वटा एनिमेटेड चलचित्र बिच अन्तिम प्रतिस्पर्धा हुदैछ। अन्तिम प्रतिस्पर्धाका लागि मनोनयनमा परेका ८ चलचित्र यस प्रकार छन्ः– नलेज निर्देशक : अंकित के.सी. निर्माण संस्था : एडिएन अवधि : ७ मिनेट ५० सेकेन्ड छोटो एनिमेटेड चलचित्र ‘नलेज’ एक किशोरको पढ्ने चाह र उसको बाध्यताका कारण गर्नुपर्ने मजदुरीको कथा हो। आफू स्वयम गिटी कुट्ने बाल मजदुरका रुपमा काम गर्नु परेपनि अर्को बालकका निम्ती उसले गर्ने सहयोगलाई एनिमेशनको माध्यमबाट उतार्न खोजेको छन् निर्देशक अंकित के.सी. ले ‘नलेज’ मा। “बालबालिकाका निम्ति शिक्षा नै सबभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण कुरा हो” भन्ने सन्देशलाई प्रस्तुत गर्न खोजिएको छ ‘नलेज’ मा । सेरु निर्देशक : दिपक लिम्बु निर्माण संस्था : स्केप एनिमेशन स्टुडियो अवधि : ७ मिनेट ७ सेकेन्ड छोटो एनिमेटेड चलचित्र सेरु एउट

A group of Media studies students of Kathmandu University; Dhulikhel Kavre has released a short Nepali Movie “Aaj Yo Kina?” (आज यो किन?) Online. Starring Anish Regmi and Riju Shrestha, it‘s a short movie about HIV AIDS, directed by Samuel Chettri. I enjoyed this movie and loved Rubin Manadhar’s cinematography as well. I was amazed by Riju’s bold scene though its appreciable. :) Actor: Anish Regmi and Riju Shrestha Direction/Script: Samuel Chettri Cinematography/Editing: Rubin Manandhar Art Director/Lights: Ramita Maharjan Watch Nepali Short Movie: Aaj Yo Kina (आज यो किन?)

Nepali movie, ‘Highway’ team has launched Kickstarter campaign to raise money to pay for final edit, sound design, color correct and mix. Fundraising is new for Nepali, but very old thing for international cinema. Highway is first of its kind Nepali film, directed by Deepak Rauniyar and co-produced by New York-based film production company Louverture Films, headed by Hollywood actor/producer Danny Glover and Joslyn Barnes. The film is special in many terms, like it's first Nepali film to be produced by a Hollywood-based company. It's first of its kind film to have an ensemble casting. It's been produced by two doctors, Dr. Sameer M Dixit and Lonim P Dixit. It's the first feature film to be directed by Rauniyar who shot to fame with his shorts like Chaukaith and Pooja. However, what makes the film Highway even more special is the recent fundraising campaign it has launched to garner funds to complete the post-production works of the film. Highway has opened its doors

A first trailer of most awaited Nepali movie 'Highway -- An artery of relationships' has been released officially last Friday and was launched online late Saturday night due to some technical reasons. I was one of the invitee of that promo launch program and glad to see such an wonderful trailer of the movie 'Highway'. I used to complain a lot about Nepali Movies, not only on story and presentation but I do complain on trailer and posters as well. But after seeing that promo, I was unable to complain, rather Kamal Mani Dixit got an issue. He challenged Naseeruddin Shah, an Indian Film Actor that Naseeruddin cannot judge 'Highway' just by looking posters and trailers now. Point to be noted that, few months back Naseeruddin had made a statement that anyone can judge the Nepali Movie's standard just by looking at the posters, and somehow it's the bitter truth of Nepali Film Industry. Do I've to say about trailer? Trailer is just awesome. Since,

Today we have came up with short Nepali experimental movie ‘Duplicity’. Duplicity, a short film directed by Lawang Tshering Bhutia was screened at the 1st Moscars Al-Hurria Film Festival, Cairo on April 13, 2011. It was first screened on August 28, 2010 at Kathmandu Barcamp 2010. Duplicity - short experimental film Genre: Short Experimental Film Studio: Diyaalo Technologies Release date: 28 August 2010 Starring: Swapnil Acharya, Tushar Neupaney, Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka Directed by: Lawang Tshering Bhutia Plot outline: Duplicity is the story of a regular office guy who has a hard time making peace with himself. The film is more about images and allegory than about real life situations. It is primarily based on a short sequence of grotesque events that take place in a surreal world. Watch Short Experimental Film : Duplicity Duplicity - short experimental film The crew is currently working on other short films such as Strings, Khushi and The Taste

By Anjali Timalshina , “ LUST ” as a title for movie- the first time I heard about it, I thought it was something related to a sensual relationship between a guy and a girl -- obviously, the title gave it away. Nevertheless it was not quite the story that matched my prophecy. Having the opportunity to watch the premier show of the “BUDS Best Film” award winner movie, I could say that I had raised expectations from the enthusiastic team of the filmmakers. On the other hand, what added my prospects was the fact that the movie was releasing on one of the prospective and active youth blogger “Aakar’s” blog Aakar Post that promoted the movie utilizing every possible resource. Getting to the story- the protagonist (or the con protagonist) portrayed by Pawan Jha and Manisha Bista as the lead lady in the movie seriously could not win my heart. I cannot exact about the conditions and time the movie was directed under, neither would I say that the director could not find the right person to

Nepali blog “ Aakar Post ” has released a short Nepali Movie "LUST" in an Internet for the first time on 14th February on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. Watch Nepali Movie LUST Movie name: LUST Run time: 22 minutes 15 seconds Actors: Manisha Bista & Pawan Jha Director: Rajan Kathet Producer: Praveen Samuel Thapa Script/ screenplay: Abhimanyu Mani Acharya Dixit Cinematographer: Shail Shrestha Editor: Bijen Shrestha One line description of the movie: They have different plans for each other. Release Note:  We are happy to release an award wining ( BUDS Film Fiesta - Best Film Award ) Nepali Short Movie ‘LUST’ worldwide on our blog  as a Valentine's Day gift. We hope it will be a perfect gift for you on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. May be, we are the first Nepali Blog to release Nepali Movie officially on Blog. We would like to thank, Film Production Team, our readers and viewers.