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Writing Workshop at KU [Notice For KU Students] #Invitation

Department of Languages and Mass Communication, Kathmandu University is going to organize a writing workshop in association with US Embassy on April 28, 2011.


Department of Languages and Mass Communication is inviting interested KU Students for participation. Here is the original notice :

Writing Workshop ~Notice~ April 28, 2011

The U.S. Embassy is bringing four American writers to Nepal as a part of the U.S. government sponsored International Iowa Writers program. In this connection, the Department of Languages and Mass Communication is going to host a lecture (1.30-2.30), with a closed group discussion/workshop (2.30-4.30pm) at the CV Raman Auditorium, Kathmandu University on April 28, 2011.

During the lecture (1.30-2.30 pm), the four writers will introduce contemporary American literature and provide an overview of literary traditions in the United States. After the lecture, the writers will hold individual sessions (2.30-4.30pm) on each of their specific literary areas.

The individual sessions will be on the following topics:

1. Poetry in mainstream media with Bob Holman

2. The Novel with Joshua Ferris

3. Poetry in American with Nathalie Handal

4. The Creative Writing Program with Christopher Merrill

I look forward to your presence, and hope to make this program a success. I truly believe the students will benefit from this interaction and encourage all participants to produce their own literary works that stand the test of time.

Kashiraj Pandey
Asst. Professor (English Language and Literature)
Department of Languages and Mass Communication
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel

Those who are interested to participate, please contact Kashiraj Pandey Asst. Professor (English Language and Literature) . He can be reached at kashiraj[AT] or else contact him in his department.

Event Details:

Writing Workshop

Date : 28 April 2011

Time : 1:30pm-4:30pm

Venue : CV Raman Auditorium, Kathmandu University


  1. ३ घण्टामा के भुत्रा सिकाउँछ, ३ महिनामा त केहि सिकाउँदैन। अमेरिकनेलाई खुसी पार्न अनेक गर्छन मान्छेहरु!


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