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आयो फेडोरा–१४ #Fedora 14 [Friday Tech]

गत नोभेम्बर २ मा, फेडोरा कम्युनिटि ले ‘Laughlin’ कोडनाम राखिएको फेडोरा को चौँधौ संस्करण सार्वजनिकfedora गरेको छ ।

फेडोरा १४, धेरै नयाँ ‘फिचर’हरु को साथ मा आएको छ । ‘परफर्मेन्स’, ‘क्वालिटि’ आदि का हिसाब ले फेडोरा १४ उत्कृष्ट रहेको, फेडोरा कम्युनिटि ले बताएको छ ।

फेडोरा कम्युनिटिव्दारा जारी प्रेस विज्ञप्ति मा भनिएको छ । ‘रेडह्याट’ को प्रायोजन मा फेडोरा कम्युनिटि ले ‘ओपनसोर्स अपरेटिङ सिस्टम’ फेडोरा १४ सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । 

छ महिना कै अन्तराल मा फेडोरा ले आफ्नो नयाँ भर्सन को अपरेटिङ सिस्टम सार्वजनिक गरेको हो ।

The latest version of Fedora has cloud aspirations, decodes jpg files faster, includes SPICE – a useful protocol for virtualizing desktop PCs, and contains numerous enhancements of interest to developers.

  • Fedora 14 includes several new features for developers, system administrators and open source enthusiasts including:
  • Framework software for Spice, a rapidly advancing infrastructure for desktop virtualization

  • New debugging features for developers, such as support for dynamic/unplanned memory usage tracking and faster launch thanks to pre-generated indexes

  • Powerful remote and out-of-band management capabilities with Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) support

  • Updated tech preview of the GNOME shell environment, part of the upcoming GNOME 3.0 release

  • A subset of new and innovative software from the MeeGo™ community for an enhanced experience on netbooks and small devices

  • OpenSCAP, an open-source framework for the Security Content Automation Protocol, which provides a framework and approach to maintaining system security backed by NIST standards

  • Support for emergent programming languages like D, and refreshed versions of popular languages such as Python 2.7, Erlang R14, and the Rakudo Star implementation of Perl 6

via : Fedora Community

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that brings the latest in free and open sourcesoftware to your desktop, laptop and server, and gives you access to thousands of different open source applications. And the Fedora Project supports a growing and thriving open source community with thousands of project members. Though the project is sponsored by Red Hat, Fedora Community is responsible for development and release.

Read Fedora 14 Release Notes | Download Fedora 14


  1. Great! Fedora 14 is stable and great!

  2. Great! Fedora 14 is stable and great!


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