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हार्दिक बधाई !!! अनुराधा कोइराला भईन CNN Hero 2010 [Video]

Anuradha Koirala, Chief, Maiti Nepal Became CNN Hero of the Year 2010.

A woman whose group has rescued more than 12,000 women and girls from sex slavery has been named the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year.anuradha

Anuradha Koirala was chosen by the public in an online poll that ran for eight weeks on CNN's Anderson Cooper revealed the result at the conclusion of the fourth annual "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute."

"Human trafficking is a crime, a heinous crime, a shame to humanity," Koirala said earlier in the evening after being introduced as one of the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010. "I ask everyone to join me to create a society free of trafficking. We need to do this for all our daughters."

According to CNN, Koirala was introduced by actress Demi Moore, who along with her husband, Ashton Kutcher, created DNA, The Demi and Ashton Foundation, which aims to eliminate child sex slavery worldwide.

Aniradha Koirala will receive $100,000 to continue her work with Maiti Nepal, in addition to the $25,000 awarded to each of the top 10 CNN Heroes.

Thanks to all, who have voted her to make CNN Hero 2010. Congratulation to Anuradha Koirala and her team. Hope she will continue her good work.

Checkout Video: CNN HERO 2010 Anuradha Koirala

CNN HERO 2010 : Anuradha Koirala

Read More: Woman fighting sex slavery named CNN Hero of the Year (Image via CNN)


  1. हार्दिक बधाई !
    हार्दिक बधाई !!
    हार्दिक बधाई !!!

  2. हार्दिक बधाई ! हार्दिक बधाई !! हार्दिक बधाई !!! अनुराधा कोइराला
    Thanks to all, who have voted her to make CNN Hero 2010. Congratulation to Anuradha Koirala and her team. Hope she will continue her good work.

  3. हरि मानन्धरAugust 1, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    नेपालकी अनुराधा सिएनएन हिरोइन २०१० बनेकिमा धन्यवाद र नेपालको महिला मुक्तिमा विशेष ध्यान दिन अनुरोध गर्दछचु ।

  4. नेपालकी नरी अनुराधा कोईराला सि अन अन हिरो २०१० को बजयीता हुनु भएकोमा हार्दिक बधाई!!हामी नेपालीको चाहना,अनुराधा कोईराला जि को बिजयताको कामना खेर गएन तेस्मा हामी सम्पुर्न नेपाली धेरै नै गौरम्बित छौ र धेरै खुशी लगेको छ ।

  5. wow u made us Nepali proud!

  6. हार्दिक बधाई छ अनुराधा जी लाइ .
    अब बन्ने नया संबिधान मा चेलीबेटी बेचबिखन जस्तो कु- कार्य लाइ निरुत्साहित - उन्मूलन पार्न अत्यन्तै कडा नियममावली ल्याओस ! अनुराधा कोइरालाको महान कार्यमा सघाउने हातहरु थपिदै जाउन !
    आकार जी लाइ धन्यबाद भिडियो सहित पोस्ट गर्नु भएकोमा .

  7. Anuradha Koirala CNN Hero of 2010!

    You've made us proud! Hats off to you!

  8. Nepali huna ma garab cha malaiAugust 1, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    aja maan kushi vayera aayo.Haami nepali haru yo sansar ma eti tala chau bideshi ko najar ma tara aaja aama jasto manche le hami nepali lai yo sansar chinauna madat garnu bayeko cha.Yo banda pani thulo pragati hos tapai ko yo sasthan ko.............Congrats

  9. CNN Hero 2010 Nepali

  10. shreekrishna sapkotaAugust 1, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    Hardik badhai Anuradha koirala...yo unn ko matra jeet nabhayera Nepal ani Nepali janata ko jeet ho/////


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