Listen to Shirish Ko Phool.
उज्यालो ९० नेटवर्क बाट प्रसारण हुने कार्यक्रम श्रुतीसम्बेग आज देखि ब्लग बाट पनि बजाउँदै छौँ । श्रुतीसम्बेग को पहिलो अंकमा पारिजात को बहुचर्चित उपन्यास 'शिरिष को फूल' लिएर उपस्थित भएका छौँ ।
शिरिष को फूल को कथानक मैले भन्दा सुन्नलाई खल्लो लाग्ला । अत: सुन्नुहोस्, श्रुती सम्बेग को पहिलो अंकमा पारिजात को शिरिष को फूल । सदा झैँ, श्रुतिसम्बेग को वाचन अच्युत घिमिरे ले गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ, भने प्रविधि मा दिनेश निरौला हुनुहुन्छ । मन्टेश्वरी राजभण्डारी ले सुत्रधार को काम गर्नुभएको छ । अडियो उपलब्ध गराउने श्रुति सम्बेग समूहलाई हार्दिक धन्यवाद !
विष्णु कुमारी वाइवा अर्थात पारिजात को उपन्यास 'शिरिष को फूल' को वाचन यहाँहरुलाई कस्तो लाग्यो, प्रतिक्रिया को आशा मा रहेका छौँ ।
thank you very much for this one...... appreciated
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing the audio version- I read Sirisko Phool while I was in class 9...Ever since, no matter how many times I repeat it, I'm more in love with Parijat's ability and characterization of real life events... :)
ReplyDeleteके भन्छिन यीं पारिजात नानी ? विसंगतिबादी अस्तित्व बोध ! बडा गजब छ ! उहिले स्नातक तहमा पढ्न पाईन्थ्यो |
ReplyDeleteThanks for the audio version of one of my all time favorites, 'Shirish ko Phool'. enjoyed it immensely.
ReplyDeletedai sirish ko ful ko audio net ma 6aina.mil6 vane haldinu na sabai
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing the audio version
ReplyDeletewho read this book may be they know about it, yah i read Sirisko Phool while more time..........Ever since, no matter how many times I repeat it, I'm more in love with Parijat's ability and characterization of real life events. it,s really good.....
I LOVE IT.....ever and forevr..........
again thanks a lots for for all
who know it
dai sirish ko ful ko audio net ma 6aina.mil6 vane haldinu na sabai
ReplyDeleteके भन्छिन यीं पारिजात नानी ? विसंगतिबादी अस्तित्व बोध ! बडा गजब छ ! उहिले स्नातक तहमा पढ्न पाईन्थ्यो |
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ReplyDeleteEVERYBODY KNOWS ITS GREAT NOVEL!!!!! i try to hear this audio version of siris ko phool and im really very DESAPOINTED because there is no feelings like we got that satisfaction while we reed it or the what PARIJAT was trying to split the feelings form the bottom of her heart,
ReplyDeleteSo this audio version sucks!!!!
And for the people who think this Audio version is good, For good sake, how can you say that!!!! which is totally lame!!! there is no feelings MAN, 20 times pause on 1 sentence.... The feelings must follows like river not like a drop of water which falls from the tap in the month of CHITRA in Nepali remote village!!! so guys really think about that!!!!
I will be grateful if this GUY can record it again in great, strong and really can bring the feeling on a story of GREAT NOVEL.
P.S : Parijat is my best Author!!! I love her so much as a sister as a Writer.
it's my first time that i'm reading or listing to sirish ko phool....and i'm so fascinated by the way Parijat has presented the life's little moments wid such wonderful words and emotions.....but i can't find episode 2.....can ne1 plz post me d link??????
ReplyDeleteits my pleasure to listen to the audio version of all time famous-"sirish ko phul" by Bishnu kumari waiba...i have no words to share for aakarpost.com.....kip it up...
ReplyDeleteexactly parmila its to good, i love it.....biting with heart......