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Fixing 0xc0000005 error in Google Chrome

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005)in google Chrome. Let's fix it by following steps:

We have been waiting for Google Chrome from a long time. And finally we get Google Chrome as well. But after installing it, some users are getting error. And they are unable to run it properly because of 0xc0000005 error.

It says:"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005).Click on OK to terminate the application." And we must have to click ok and we are unable to use google chrome. May we are confused which type of browser is it. May it is not running properly because of some problem which is in your computer.

Well, Now I'm here to fix that problem. And this type of error has been seen in those computer which has symantec antivirus as an antivirus. But don't worry it is not a problem. And in some other cases may be .dll files are missing. So, if you are not using symantec as an antivirus but still seen such error and unable to run google chrome. Then, please check for .dll files.

Now let's fix the error which has been caused by symantec antivirus.Just follow the simple step:

* Back up the registry on an affected system
* Open the registry on the Agent system by entering regedit from a run prompt
* Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysPlant
* Open the Start DWORD
* Change the value to 4 to disable the drivers
* Reboot the system to commit the changes

*Opening the registry on the Agent system by entering regedit from a run prompt.

*Navigating to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysPlant
* and Opening the Start DWORD

*Changing the value to 4 to disable the drivers
*Restart the computer.
Now you have done, and you can run Google Chrome smoothly without any difficulty.


  1. ए बा! आउन पा छैन घुर्की लाउन थालेछ नि त क्रोमले। धन्न मेरोमा त्यस्तो भाछैन अहिलेसम्म। अनि आर्को कुरा BitDefender भाकोमा पनि घु्र्की लाएमा फकाउँने यही तरिकाले काम गर्ला त? खैर त्यो बेला आएपछि केही न केही होला नि हैन?

  2. कैलाश जी, क्रोमले घुर्की ला'को हैन, है ।
    कम्प्युरमा भएको एउटा सानो कुराले गर्दा हैरानी हुने हो ।
    एक पटक क्रोम चलाएर हेर्नुस् न !

  3. Thanks for your information, though it was installed without any problem in my box, it may be helpful for others.

    Btw, I also found a portable version of google chrome, and it is here

  4. Thanx for the inmormation, I also face this problem, cuz in my pc symentic antivirus is used.. I will try to solve it as your solution...

  5. yeah, it works badri ji.......
    bcoz i'm also using symantec antivirus...

  6. This works, thank u

  7. Thanks for your information, though it was installed without any problem in my box, it may be helpful for others.

    Btw, I also found a portable version of google chrome, and it is here


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