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TODAY: The biggest Art Event in Kathmandu with world renowned artists #beinghuman

The biggest Art Event with world renowned artists is being organized today at Patan Durbar Square at 7:00pm. Be there.
Below is the information about Today's event from the event page:

Gaynor O'Flynn and the beinghuman collective are collaborating with participants from the British Masterclasses to create an event merging live interactive art with technology on the theme of the KIAF Earth, Body, Mind.

Working with local transmedia artists, musicians & technologists to create an interactive, cross cultural work on the Festival’s theme : Earth, Body, Mind. This work will incorporate soundscapes, interactive text, visuals & live performance to create a beautiful, symbolic, symbiotic work uniting British & Nepali artists through performance & digital art. This blend of cultures, imagery & interactive work will happen on the opening evening of The Festival & will take place in the illustrious historical setting of Patan Museum, one of the Royal Palaces of the former Malla Kings of the Kathmandu Valley.

We invite you to participate in the interactive live art piece by tweeting/facebooking your idea of mind, body, earth.

Please tweet your words and then use #beinghuman and share your twitter link on the wall so that we can include you on the art piece.

Event Details:
beinghuman interactive art
Date: 25th November (Sunday)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: Patan Durbar Square
Event Page:
Hashtag: #beinghuman


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