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Project Competition : KU IT MEET 2010 #itmeet

Software Project Demonstration and Competition

In this program software project from different IT college demonstrate their software to audience. Judge from different IT companies evaluate the project on the basis of the need of the software and the complexity of the project. Among all those project top three projects is awarded cash money as the prize.


Hardware Project Demonstration and Competition

Not limiting to the software project only, this time KUCE is going to include the project competition in Hardware Project as well. There will be separate competition of project done by computer programming on hardware devices. These types of projects generally refer to Embedded Systems Project or Mechatronics project in which a person can program a prototype or say develop a prototype himself.

Programming/Designing Competition

In this competition a programming problem will be given to the participant and they have to solve the problem in limited time using any programming language. This time Alternative Technology Nepal is helping us to organize this particular event by giving scroll bar problem. The competitors have to design the scroll bar interface. The person who solves the problem first with desired result will be awarded prize.

Graphics/Web Designing Competition

This program is fully a promotional event for “Visit Nepal 2011” where a designing competition is held between students under the theme “Nepal Rich in Diversity”. Participants can show their creativity using any designing platform. The best graphics and web template would be chosen and awarded with prize. The winning graphics would be sent to Nepal tourism Board for promotion of tourism.


In Googling competition the participant will be given a problem and the competitors will have to find the solution using Google search engine. The person who finds the solution first will be awarded.

Date: Sept 10-12

Time: 10 am to 4 pm

Venue: IT Park Banepa


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