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Relation ???

-eShan Gajurel

“Life is a simply a metal, getting moulded striked, welded to deliver beautiness ending though getting rusted”, Sunita was saying to herself. One month before she was what she now thought would never be in life. Her happiness sublimating into sadness together with those of Samir. Both loved each other enjoyed each other’s companion until politics came in between.Politics got a way to mingle in their life because of their social differences. Samir was a son of a rich couple-both being doctors staying and working in Rampur chitwan. He was a stereotype of modernity while Sunita was a prototype of morality and ideology. Sunita’s father was professor of sociology in Tribhuwan University.

Before politics streamed them into two isolated lands, there was one thing binding them together – sex . Because both were quite rational, they never hesitated in talking about sexual relationships and other embedded stuffs. They were regular kissers although distanced from each other during day-light before friends in that romantic and windy environment of Dhulikhel.

Though they tried to hide their relationships they often spotted on the rear side of auditorium hall between 7-8 pm after that Sunita went to her hostel and Samir to his room. It was one Friday evening before the holidays of End-Semester when Sunita signed out on her attendance journal…….. She was to goto Kathmandu. But, her kathmandu was Samir ‘s room. That Friday night, they unhided everything they possessed of worth, all their youthness was boiling at the most. Early next morning they went to Kathmandu. Now Samir was to goto Rampur and Sunita to Biratnagar to her ancestral house.

Kathmandu University was changing and so, were the students and teachers there. “Loktantra” was what they wished to bring about in the University. Students now had courage to speak up to senior teachers and administrators about many issues. Election to the Student Welfare council was soon to be held. Sunita had become the class representative (CR) of the Biotech 3rd year class. And she was proposed a post of vice president by one of the candidates of the president post. The problem was that, another candidate was Samir’s close friend and Samir wanted his victory. Samir tried to persuade Sunita to come to his friends panel, she rejected, then he asked her to withdraw herself from election, she got annoyed and it was the last thing they had to deal on. It just crashed.

They didn’t speak then after. Sunita was quite distressed with what happened to her and withdrew from all those election campaigns. Samir had a backpaper to clear in the compartment exam, so he gave up his participation in all those campaigns. The election was over. Samir’s friend won the election and also brought on his part all those rival panel’s CRs. It was a Sunday night. Sunita on her hostel and Samir on his room – thinking what they got .


  1. Yah..Relation!!! So vulnerable and absurd.This account is quite fascinating , The difference in their background says it all

    "Samir was a son of a rich couple-both being doctors staying and working in Rampur chitwan. He was a stereotype of modernity while Sunita was a prototype of morality and ideology. Sunita’s father was professor of sociology in Tribhuwan University."

    Very kool

  2. Avinashi...thanx for the comment!


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