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३ बजे देखि सुरुभएको शवयात्रा करिब ७ बजे मात्र पशुपति आर्यघाट आइपुगेको थियो । शवयात्रा पछि कोइराला को पार्थिव शरिरलाई ब्रम्हनाल मा राखिएको थियो । करिब पौने ८ बजे छोरी सुजाता कोइराला ले चिता मा दागबत्ति दिनुभएको थियो । दागबत्ति दिइरहँदा नेपाली सेनाले राष्ट्रिय धुन बजाएको थियो । कोइराला को भौतिक शरीर अब हामी बिच छैन । कोइराला को अनुपस्थिति मा शान्ति प्रकृया तथा नयाँ संविधान निर्माण प्रकृया अबरुद्ध नहोस् ।  कोइराला अमर रहुन् । अलबिदा महानायक गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला ! Finally Good Bye #GPK .... GPK अमर रहुन.. आर्यघाट मा कोलाहल सँगै सन्नाटा छाएको छ... चिता मा आगो दन्किँदै... Finally Good Bye To #GPK #Girija Prasad Koirala... Former Prime Minister and Nepali Congress President ... 21-gun salute going on. It's the state honor that only certain personality get! #GPK #Girija Sujata puts Daagbatti on the head of her father's body as Nepal Army band starts playing national tune. #GPK #Girija छोरी सुजाता कोइराला ले चिता मा दागबत्ति दिइरहनुभएकोछ..

विगत मा सबैभन्दा आलोचित व्यक्ति थिए गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला । तर आज तिनै कोइराला अब हामी सामु छैनन्, केबल छ त तिनका भनाइहरु । उनको निधन सँगै, शान्ति प्रकृया अनि संविधान निर्माण कार्य के हुन्छ होला भन्ने कुरा प्रत्येक नेपाली का मगज मा खेलिरहेका छन् । नेपाली कांग्रेस मात्र नभइ सम्पुर्ण पार्टि तथा जनताहरु ले एउटा अभिभावक गुमाएकाछन् । उनको उचाइ सुहाँउदो अन्य नेताहरु नभएबाट पनि सबैले उनलाई मानेका थिए अनि सबै उनकै भरमा थिए । कोइराला एउटा राजनितिक शक्तिकेन्द तथा राजनितिक खेलाडि भएबाट, जसरी पनि शान्ति प्रकृया टुंगो मा पुग्नेछ, जनता ले जसरी पनि नयाँ संविधान पाउनेछन्, भनेर सबै विश्वस्त थिए । तर अब चाँहि के हुन्छ त ? देशलाई समेटेर कसले अघि लैजाला भन्ने व्दिविधा सबै मा रहेको छ । समग्र मा भन्दा अब शान्ति प्रकृया अनि संविधान के हुन्छ, सबैको खुल्दुलि को विषय नै यही रहेको छ तर यसको प्रस्ट जवाफ कोही सँग छैन । ११ वर्षे जनयुद्ध लडेको माओवादी लाई राजनितिक मुलधार मा ल्याइ, शान्ति सम्झौता गराउन सफल भएपछि, कोइराला को चर्चा एकाएक चुलिएको थियो, उनी एकाएक नायक बनेका थिए । उनी भन्थे, ‘यो मेरो जिम्मेवारी हो, म

लोकतान्त्रिक आन्दोलन का शिखर पुरुष गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला को अवसान सँगै, अब देश को राजनिति ले कुन मोड लेला ? शान्ति प्रकृया र संविधान निर्माण कार्य के होला भनेर सर्वत्र विभिन्न शंका उपशंकाहरु उठिरहेको छ । आफ्ना जिवनकाल मा धेरै राम्रा तथा नराम्रा कामहरु का कारण सँधै चर्चा मा रहेका कोइराला, जिवन को पछिल्लो क्षण मा, शान्ती प्रकृयालाई तार्किक निश्कर्ष मा पुर्याइ, जनतालाई नयाँ संविधान दिने इच्छा भने अधुरै रह्यो । माओवादी जस्तो, ११ वर्ष जनयुद्ध गरेको पार्टिलाई शान्ति प्रकृया मार्फत राजनितिक मुलधार मा ल्याए बाट कोइराला को राजनितिक उचाइ निकै बढेको थियो । पछिल्लो समय मा “सहमति , सहकार्य  र एकता” लाई विशेष जोड दिँदै आएका कोइराला को निधन बाट देशलाई अपुरणिय क्षति पुगेको छ । सबैलाई मिलाएर लान सफल, राजनिति का सर्वोच्च तथा वरिष्ठ नेता कोइराला को निधन सँगै, शान्ति प्रकृया तथा संविधान निर्माण मा ब्रेक लाग्ने त हैन भन्ने शंका पनि उठिरहेको छ । पुर्व प्रधानमन्त्री तथा नेपाली कांग्रेस का सभापति गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला को निधन सँगै एउटा युग, ‘कोइराला युग’ को अन्त्य भएको छ । मजदुर आन्दोलन मार्फत राजनिति

Girija Prasad Koirala, commonly known as G. P. Koirala ( गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला) was born in 20 February 1925 in Bihar India in exile as a son of late Krishna Prasad Koirala and Divya Koirala. A high school dropout, Koirala was married to Sushma Koirala and has a daughter Sujata Koirala, currently serving as deputy prime minister and foreign minister. Former Prime Minister and President of Nepali Congress Girija Prasad Koirala, started his political career joining the Indian Freedom Struggle and the historical revolution against autocratic Rana regime by organising the first labour's Movement in Biratnagar Jute Mill in 1947-48. He had been active in politics for over sixty years and is a pioneer of the Nepalese labour movement, having started a labor movement in the Jute mills of his hometown Biratnagar. Koirala became the elected Prime Minister of country in 1991-1994 after the multiparty democracy was restored in the country by abolishing the Panchayat regime in 1990.  D

Former Prime Minister and Nepali Congress (NC) President Girija Prasad Koirala died at 12:10 p.m. on Saturday (20 March 2010). Political parties, leaders, People and leaders of different nations are expressing condolences towards late Girija Prasad Koirala, Former Prime Minister and President, Nepali Congress (NC)  . Nepal Government has decided to fly the national flag half-mast for three days and announce Sunday as national holiday to mourn Koirala’s death. Meanwhile Local Television, Radio and Paper are giving news continuously. Radio stations and Television stations of Nepal are not broadcasting their regular program.  The United States of America extended their condolence to the family and the Nepalis on the demise of Nepali Congress President Girija Prasad Koirala on Saturday. According to eKantipur The U.S. Embassy said, "The best way to honor Mr. Koirala’s legacy is to accelerate the peace process and finalize the new constitution as quickly as possible." Ind

Former Prime Minister and Nepali Congress (NC) President Girija Prasad Koirala passed away at 12:10 p.m. on Saturday (20 March 2010). Girija Prasad Koirala was 86 years old. The NC leaders and the doctors involved in his treatment confirmed Koirala's death following an emergency central committee meeting of the party at 1:45 at Sujata's residence in Mandikatar. Koirala's body will be kept at Dashrath Stadium at 8:00am tomorrow (Sunday) for offering the last tribute. Then his body procession will be carried out from Dasharath Stadium to Pashupati Aryaghat for the last rites. His body will be cremated as per the Hindu rituals. Until then, the body will be kept at his daughter, Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala´s residence at Mandikhatar where people can pay their last homage on Saturday He was appointed Prime Minister four times and acting head of the state after monarch was abolished. RIP Former Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala.

Listen to Bulbul Episode-29 [March 17,2010]. रात्री बसाइ को यो अर्को नयाँ अंक मा केही रात्री गन्थनको साथमा सुमधुर गजलहरु लिएर, सदा झैँ आज पनि प्रस्तोता अच्युत घिमिरे उपस्थित हुनुभएको छ । Bulbul is a Radio Program (a gajal program). Thanks to BULBUL Team for bringing such a wonderful program.You can directly send your suggestion, comments & even your gajal to: bulbul[at] or to: ghimireachyut[at] Download: Bulbul Episode-29 [ March 17 , 2010] Alternate Download Link: Download Bulbul [Fast Download, Can be accessed easily. But this Alternate Download Link is temporary AND just works for next 7 days from today.]

Weather was claim and quite. Feeling bit cold, I was taking photographs of our football match (KUCC CUP 2010). Then I just went to click these photographs. I just clicked these pictures in Kathmandu University in a cold cloudy day. I don’t know what you say about these photographs, but for me every photograph is saying something unknowingly and I’m feeling some how different. But Unconditionally, I’m just loving these pictures. I believe every trees in these pictures are trying to say some thing.     P.S. All these pictures were taken from my Nokia 6300. :P ‘Save Tree, Lets Go Green’

“Campaign To Help Rural Nepal” को नारा साथ गत वर्ष देखि स्थापना भइ सामाजिक सेवा मा अग्रसरता देखाउँदै आएको Kathmandu University का विद्यार्थीहरु को समूह Student United Mission KU ले १३ मार्च मा  बाग्लुङ को रायाडाँडा गाउँ को श्री महा विद्यार्जन माध्यमिक विद्यालय को पुस्तकालय को लागि पुस्तकहरु वितरण गरेका छन् । Student United Mission KU  का २८ जना विद्यार्थीहरु को समूह बाग्लुङ को रायाडाँडा पुगी विद्यालय पुस्तकालय को लागि पुस्तकहरु प्रदान गरेका थिए । काठमाडौँ विश्वविद्यालय इलेक्ट्रिकल तेस्रो वर्ष का विद्यार्थी रविन्द्र जी सी को सभापतित्व मा  श्री महा विद्यार्जन माध्यमिक विद्यालय रायाडाँडा, बाग्लुङ मा उक्त कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गरिएको थियो । केयु का विद्यार्थीहरु ले कक्षा १ देखि १० सम्म का दर्जनौँ पाठ्यपुस्तकहरु जम्मा गरेर, उक्त विद्यालय को लागि पुस्तक वितरण गरेका हुन् । यसका साथै, कार्यक्रम मा ४० वटा सिएफएल चिम पनि निशुल्क बाँडिएको थियो । स्थानीय कृषकहरु को लागि भर्मि कम्पोष्ट ट्रेनिङ  गरि करिब ४०० वटा गँड्यौला पनि वितरण गरिएको थियो । श्री महा विद्यार्जन माध्यमिक विद्यालय  मा सञ्चालन गरिए

Sometime its a fun to surf internet to see craziest pictures. I’m posting some crazy and Funny Pictures Today. Some pictures are animated and some pictures are real. Hope you will enjoy it. Child with a Book. Don’t know what he is doing? Lord Buddha with Nepalese Citizenship certificate. Though picture is animated for fun, but fact is that, Buddha was Born in Nepal . Buddha was born around 563 B.C.  in Lumbini in modern day Nepal. His name was Siddhartha Gautam but later known as LORD BUDDHA (Gautam Buddha). This one is about story competition in some college…hehe… :P   Too much  Passengers in a small jeep.    Where is Driver ?  Seems driver sees nothing from his driving seat. Jeep In a Rapti Highway, Nepal.                                                                    pic by: Kunta Bhandari – RSS (via   Farmer  Using a Motor Bike in his Field near Birgunj, Nepal. Image Credit: Various Websites